Friday, September 24, 2010

Exercise 17:blog 2

1.) what is the advantages & disadvantages of using search engines?
Advantage: helps you quick accessing to the informations that you want to search on the net.

Disadvantage: makes you lazy very lazy on researching. and you will get independent on the internet informations given to you.

2.) compare and contrast individual search engines and meta search engines.
When you enter a keyword or phrase into a search engine, an integrated piece of software searches the index database to retrieve the relevant data. and for the meta search engine This eliminates the need to query the major search engines separately. A metasearch engine will search all or selected search engines and aggregate the results into a single list or display them according to their source.

3.) when is it appropriate to use a search engine? when is it appropriate to use search/subject directory?
All search engines have been categorized by topic. Directories are very useful when you have no more than a general notion of what you are looking for.